Case Studies

Here's just a small sampling of the environmental savings we have achieved.

Super Premium High Efficiency Electrical Systems Installation.

Aging non compliant electrical infrastructure replaced with the latest available technology. This saved the client significant electrical energy, increased available power for plant upgrades, increased the life of all electrical equipment on site and reduced scope 2 emissions.

Payback 1.4 years.

75% Waste Reduction & Waste Recovered As Energy.

750 HGV tanker movements removed from the public highway, waste is now recovered as a green energy with a rebate paid back to the client. This has dramatically reduced scope 3 emissions from the business and has achieved significant cost savings.

Payback 1.7 years

Super Premium High Efficiency Pump and Motor Installation.

A survey reveled low efficiency pumps and motors were being used across the site. All pumps and motors replaced with super high efficiency or super premium efficiency units. This reduced electrical load across the site, reduced energy costs and scope 2 emissions.

Payback 0.8 years.